kel / mask !

the coolest kella fella in the whole world
it / itz
emo + cutecore !!

friends, anime, manga, music
( . _ . ) no thanks..
mean people

b4 u interact

im bad at initiating conversation!! im more than happy to talk but u may need to message me first ^^;
i swear a lot and can be rather vulgar with my jokes

dont interact

basic dni criteria, im not very picky with the people i talk to, just dont be rude !!

^^ media!
dr stone, hypmic, nitro+, jjba, kny, danganronpa + more!
jrap, jrock, hyperpop, emo

kins !!

kel (omori)
kuko harai
doppo kannonzaka
akira tendo
jirou yamada
kaito momota
ibuki mioda
shinji ikari